200LX.NET - The LX parts shop - still active in 2020!!
(everything strictly second hand unless stated otherwise)

S PLEASE NOTE: I am just back from recovering from my (probably) third bout of Covid-19 aka Corona and now finally (19 April 2023 ) restarting filling orders. Please bear with me a short while longer.

We sell complete systems, DIY parts and upgrades to HP 200LX and 100LX handhelds exclusively
plus a few accessories
We do repairs also. Send a description of the problem to get an estimate of the cost.
(everything strictly secondhand unless stated otherwise)
(This site is fairly HV icon compatible)

NOTE: 32MB upgraded systems, German and English still available. Inquire for price at orders@200lx.net
NEWS: Prices for complete systems negotiable: All systems now open to acceptable offer. Limited bickering possible.

NEWS: New 100LX/200LX preformatted 256MB cards available, these work without driver, see here for info
200LX Image

For lots of software look at the S.U.P.E.R mirror at mizj.com
PLEASE NOTE: I am just back from recovering from my (probably) third bout of Covid-19 aka Corona and now finally (19 april 2023 ) restarting filling orders. Please bear with me a short while longer.

  1. Complete systems
  2. Parts for DIY repair
  3. Upgrade sets
  4. New and Used Leather cases for the 200LX 
  5. New and used Memory cards for the 100LX/200LX
  6. Miscellaneous extra's
  7. Ordering parts or systems
  8. What about broken LX's?
  9. What is an HP 200LX?
  10. Other 200LX related companies
  11. 200LX and MS-DOS related websites
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We collect nothing and set no cookies. Your IP address is only used for statistic purposes and not used elsewhere!

note: Copying from this website is allowed provided a visible reference to 'http://www.200lx.net' is added to the webpage containing copied material.

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